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Home » Fears grow for Mike Tyson’s health after worrying admission

Fears grow for Mike Tyson’s health after worrying admission

Mike Tyson could get seriously hurt on July 20 as the former heavyweight champion returns to the ring at 58.

His opponent, Jake Paul, 31 years his junior, has done nothing to allay those fears. In a week where boxing lost a 29-year-old professional making his debut, both Tyson and Paul made sickening threats to end each other at the New York press conference. Tyson, who has proven nothing with his training clips regarding his ability to last longer than a few seconds, faces a hard-hitting wannabe boxer who wants to take him out. Paul reiterated this fact in front of the media.

“He’s a killer, he is a warrior. He has been doing this his whole life, so it is second nature to him,” said Paul. “I have been doing this for four years.

“I have been doing it at a super high level, but on July 20, I am going to show the world that I can out-box Mike Tyson, prove everyone wrong, and show that I will be the one doing the killing.”

Paul added on his chances of being hurt himself: “I think it’s fifty-fifty. I know there are a lot of people who see me as an arrogant a**hole. I can be sometimes, but I have fun and entertain the world. But I think the older generation wants people to see Mike knock me out. But at the end of the day, I also have the kids, the middle schoolers, the high schoolers, the college students routing for me and wanting to see me end Mike.”

Paul’s comments were made even more startling by the fact Tyson admitted his shape isn’t the best with two months to go.

Responding to a media member stating, “Frankly, you are too old to be fighting a guy who is 28.” Tyson answered: “I am beautiful, that’s all I can say.

Mike replied on how training camp is going: “I’m doing great, but my body is really s*** right now. I am sore. I am really, really sore.”

Come July 20, it could get a whole lot sorer for the youngest-ever heavyweight champion of the world. Tyson is the underdog, and he’s the underdog for an obvious reason.

Read all articles and exclusive interviews by Phil Jay. Learn more about the author, experienced boxing writer, and World Boxing News Editor since 2010. Follow on Twitter @PhilJWBN.