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Home » Exclusive: Tommy Morrison’s widow rips Jake Paul comparisons

Exclusive: Tommy Morrison’s widow rips Jake Paul comparisons

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Tommy Morrison’s widow reacted to Jake Paul comparisons, which have not gone down well with fans of the former heavyweight champion.

Speaking exclusively to World Boxing News, Trisha Morrison was unhappy with an article from the UK that placed “The Duke” and “The YouTuber” in the same sentence. Trish reached out to WBN, a long-time friend of Tommy’s, to air her views on what she sees as a slanted view of the boxing legend.

Mainly, Trish was happy with the response of Morrison supporters, who shot down claims Paul was anywhere near the ex-WBO ruler skill-wise ahead of the influencer’s fight with Mike Tyson on July 20.

“I’m absolutely overwhelmed by all the amazing comments from Tommy’s fans all over the world on our X, Instagram, and Facebook social media accounts in response to my posting the article,” Trish told WBN. “The love and support the fans continue to show for my husband is so nice to see. Tommy’s boxing career was cut short, and the real fight that everyone wanted to see, Tyson vs Morrison, never happened.”

She added: “Tommy’s record he left behind is truly up there with all the greats in such a great era in the sport of boxing. Amateur [290-21, 263 KOs], Toughman [50-1] and Professional [51-3-1, 44 KOs].

“Jake Paul cannot be compared with ‘our’ Tommy Morrison!”

Trish wanted some of the comments pointed out as fans jumped to the defense of a true great of the sport.

Vinny LaManna said: “People have to stop with this BS. Tommy would have destroyed Paul on his worst day. He couldn’t even beat Tommy Fury, and that guy is only a step up from a C-fighter.”

Alessandro Gelke stated: “Jake Paul isn’t in the same league as Tommy Morrison. Not even close.”

Carlos Menarim commented: “Was it for laughs?? Tommy would end Jake Paul with a single punch! I don’t even want to know who “the UFC legend” was who said something stupid like that!

Olivia Ford added: “Jake Paul is a joke. Tommy is a real fighter with more skill and power in his pinky than in that kid’s whole body. That’s not even a comparison. There is none.

Finally, Terry Dunn said: “Not in the same league! Tommy was a genuine world-class world champion. Jake Paul is just a very well-managed TikTok champ! He doesn’t fight anyone in their prime.

“It’s all about a top name and top money! Today, Tommy would’ve KO’d him!”

The only accurate comparison between the two is the wavy blonde hair.

Read all articles and exclusive interviews by Phil Jay. Learn more about the author, experienced boxing writer, and World Boxing News Editor since 2010. Follow on Twitter @PhilJWBN.