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Home » Ring entrance ends badly for Deontay Wilder victim Artur Szpilka

Ring entrance ends badly for Deontay Wilder victim Artur Szpilka

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Former Deontay Wilder victim Artur Szpilka made quite an entrance for his latest MMA fight before being obliterated in seconds.

The Polish combat star, who faced Wilder in 2016, entered the octagon in a special chamber to make him look more sinister. It didn’t work and was for theatrical purposes only, as Arkadiusz Wrzosek wasted no time shaming the ex-professional boxer.

Fighting at KSW 94, Wrzosek moved to 5-0 by stopping Szpilka before the fight had even got off the ground. Szpilka looked a sad shell of the one-time world heavyweight title challenger he once was.

Szpilka holds fame in the boxing world for being on top against Wilder, as many before him have been, before being taken out with one blow. That notoriety was increased when Wilder admitted he thought his opponent was dead after one of the most shocking blows in Showtime Boxing history.

“When I knocked out Artur Szpilka, I thought he was dead for a few seconds. That’s just from natural Alabama country power,” admitted Wilder at the time.

After muting his celebrations as Szpilka was tended to, Wilder added: “Szpilka is definitely in my prayers. I hope he’s doing well.”

Szpilka fought seven more times as a boxer, losing three, before continuing to forge an MMA career after boiling to 200 pounds. “The Pin” had three wins under his belt, one eyebrow-raising one against ex-World’s Strongest Man competitor Mariusz Pudzianowski.

But this time was real for the 35-year-old as he was clearly out of his depth despite showing confidence through his styled-out walk-in. Looking like something from a Sci-Fi movie, Szplika seems to mean business. It’s too bad he failed to last more than a few seconds before the referee stepped in.

It’s back to the drawing board for Wilder’s most shuddering loser.

Read all articles and exclusive interviews by Phil Jay. Learn more about the author, experienced boxing writer, and World Boxing News Editor since 2010. Follow on Twitter @PhilJWBN.